How to double space on microsoft word online
How to double space on microsoft word online

how to double space on microsoft word online

Scroll down to the bottom of the settings to see ‘Space between sentences’. Word for Mac: Preferences | Spelling & Grammar | Writing Style | Grammar and More | Setting. Go to Options | Proofing | Writing Styles.

how to double space on microsoft word online how to double space on microsoft word online

Options for ‘Punctuation Conventions’ – takes you to the Grammar & more settings. The global Word setting is returned to ‘Don’t Check’. Ignore Once – will leave this spacing unchanged.ĭon’t check for this issue – changes the sentence spacing for ALL documents, not just the current document. Right-click on the dotted line to see the options under ‘Punctuation Conventions’.Ĭlick on the fullstop/period, question mark or exclamation to change the spacing. In Word 365 if the spacing setting isn’t correct, there’s a brown dotted line. Anyone in that situation has to change the Word setting manually each time. However, some might have clients or specifications for different documents. There’s no way to change the sentence spacing check at the document, style or paragraph level.įor most people that’s not a problem. It applies to all documents opened in Word. The setting for sentence spacing is a Word global setting. Whichever you choose, Word can check for you.

How to double space on microsoft word online manual#

Most style guides including the Chicago Manual of Style and Oxford Style Manual recommend single spacing. The trend has been towards single spacing but many of us were double spacing when we were taught to type. Maybe it depends on what you were taught at school? People can get very exercised about sentence spacing. Switching to single spacing is hard for your fingers to remember. It’s a useful option for those of us who learnt on manual typewriters where double sentence spacing was standard. Is there one space or two between sentences? Word lets you check for the spacing or not care at all.

How to double space on microsoft word online